Adapt your files to different systems and versions.
Send your marker orders from your cell phone, tablet or PC
Computerized Marker Making: highest material optimization.
Pattern Grading in record time.
Remote troubleshooting via Web or telephone.
Develop your patterns with Optitex Systems.
First of all with the development of garment PATTERNS and gradings which will produce a final product with perfect fitting and fall.
Once the idea has been accomplished, Soluciones Textiles gives you the possibility of minimizing your costs through computerized MARKER MAKING, which will guarantee the highest utilization of all the materials of the garment to be made.
The design of 3D prototypes and files is revolutionizing the textile industry. Imagine that you could see your finished collections with each different design in 3D, even before you have purchased the fabrics to produce them.
A partir del 24 de junio nos mudamos a nuestras nuevas oficinas en la calle Concordia 1321 en Villa Santa Rita en la Ciudad Autónoma de Buenos Aires